In The Press
"Women who love the look and quality of authentic designer handbags know that they can choose from more than 500 pieces at Paris Station, but the discounted price is what keeps them coming back.
We specialize in buying, selling and trading gently used designer handbags, which we select very carefully," says owner Cindy Young. "When people bring in their handbags to sell us, we make sure that the style and condition are good, and the style is in demand. We're firm on authenticity as well." --Honolulu Advertiser
"“We don’t take in everything and anything,” says Young. “We hand-pick every single piece every day. By doing this, we keep our quality very good.” The focus is on European brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Gucci, Christian Dior and Fendi. Young and her sister, Connie Lung, who serves as store manager, can take appointments to examine the bags’ authenticity and condition. Every day we feel like shopping, and we are excited about all the items that come in on a daily basis,” Young says. “When you’re into luxury designer handbags, you’re excited coming into our store. It’s like looking at candy. There are so many bags and different styles." --Midweek