Paris Station can make an immediate payment for like-new or gently used designer handbags from Louis Vuitton and Chanel. In other cases, consignment of the item may be offered. Designers other than Louis Vuitton and Chanel are selectively chosen based on our inventory and customer demand for the label/item. Our offer is based on the following variables:
1. Designer
2. Condition
3. Age of the product
4. Demand
If you are interested in selling or trading your designer handbags, please submit "Sell Your Products" form or email us at
1. Enter “Selling to Paris Station” in the subject box.
2. In the body, let us know the total quantity and designer/style of the bag(s) you would like to sell.
3. Once you receive an e-mail confirmation, you may send the bag(s) to:
Paris Station
947 Keeaumoku St.
Honolulu, HI 96814
Or call 808-942-3000 (King) / 808-487-2000 to schedule an appointment at our retail store.
Thank you for your interest.